
By Jubayer Hossain

Pee Your Pants No More: Common Stress Incontinence Natural Remedies

Common Stress Incontinence Natural Remedies

Sad as it may seem, about 200 million people suffer from stress incontinence. And to make matters worse, about 60% hide because of the shame associated with such leaks.  

If you’re reading this article, we can only surmise that you’re suffering from the same thing. 

That said, you need not fret, for there’s hope! In fact, there are many natural urinary incontinence remedies you can try so you can go back to your daily activities with ease. 

We’ve rounded up ten of them: 


Pelvic Floor Exercises

Commonly known as Kegel exercises, this pelvic floor muscle training helps strengthen the muscles used when peeing. 

To do this, you need to:

  • Tighten or contract the muscles you use for peeing for five seconds.
  • Relax the same muscles for five seconds. 
  • Do this for five to six cycles per day. 

Here’s a quick tip: You can always start with two seconds if five seconds prove difficult for you. As for the cycles, you can begin with three a day.

The goal here is to work your way up until you can hold your muscles for ten seconds. 


Is it Effective?

Yes. Several studies have shown Kegel exercise is effective in reducing urinary incontinence. 

In one study, 68.4% of the participants reported lesser leakage after regular Kegel exercises

The best thing about Kegel exercises? You can do this anywhere, everywhere. You can strengthen your pelvic floor even if you’re cooking or working at home—and no one would even know!  


Bladder Training

Bladder training means delaying peeing even if you have that strong urge to go. 

For example, your therapist may ask you to hold off the flow of urine for ten more minutes before relieving yourself. 

This aims to train your bladder into emptying itself only every 2 ½  to 3 ½ hours. 


Is it Effective?

Yes, there’s some evidence saying it’s effective at addressing stress incontinence. 

Results show that bladder-trained women only had five peeing accidents a day compared to untrained women, who reported as many as 14 episodes a day. 



Like Kegels, biofeedback can help you strengthen and control your pelvic floor muscles. 

Here, two sensors are placed on your bottom area and another one on your stomach area. 

These sensors are then connected to a computer. 

The screen will show graphs and tones to help identify the muscles you’re using and exercising. 

With biofeedback, your therapist can help formulate exercises that suit your pelvic muscle strength. 

Typically, biofeedback sessions last for about 30 minutes. For best results, doctors recommend completing a total of four visits every two to three weeks. 


Is it Effective?

Yes. Studies show that those who underwent biofeedback reported lesser instances of involuntary peeing


Weight Loss

Common Stress Incontinence Natural Remedies

Fact: the more excess weight you have, the more likely you’ll have leaks. 

In fact, a study has shown that for every five-unit increase in your body mass index (BMI), you increase your risk of stress incontinence by 20-70%


Is it Effective?

Yes. Not only is healthy body weight good for your overall health—it does wonders for your bladder control as well.

The proof? Well, the same study has shown that those with lower BMIs only suffered from leaks twice. Those with higher BMIs, however, had six incidences on average.

Couple your healthy weight with pelvic floor muscle exercises, and you just might stop incontinence in its tracks. 


Vaginal Pessary

A pessary is a device you insert in the vagina to control leakage while allowing you to pee normally as you would. 

To date, there are 19 pessaries available to manage urinary incontinence. 


Is it Effective?

Yes. According to a review of 192 studies, these pessaries prove to be effective non-surgical solutions to this type of incontinence. 

That said, it does come with minor complications, with vaginal discharge being the most common. 



If you don’t want to undergo surgery or aren’t a suitable candidate for one, your doctor may prescribe antimuscarinic medications. 

They target the receptors in the bladder muscles, keeping you from having an overactive bladder. 


Is it Effective?

Yes. According to a study, new medications such as Tolterodine IR/ER and Oxybutynin ER/TDS may reduce leakages by 46% to 92%

But if you decide to go this route, be ready for your medication’s price tags. Taking them for an extended time can set you back big time.


Bulking Material Injections

In this outpatient procedure, the doctor injects substances to the urethra to thicken the bladder neck area, essentially reducing leakage. 


Is it Effective?

Yes. Studies show that such injections could minimize bladder leaks in patients

But the efficacy rates were higher for the periurethral group due to more material being used in the said procedure. 



Common Stress Incontinence Natural Remedies

Did you know that Botox can be used to relieve urinary incontinence, too? 

In this procedure, your doctor injects Botulinum toxin into the bladder to block nerve signals from communicating with your bladder or urinary sphincter muscles. It helps your bladder muscle relax, reducing incontinence.

Is it Effective?

Yes. Research shows that Botox can help reduce incontinence episodes by 40-60%

The icing on the cake? It can help improve quality of life by as much as 35-65% as a treatment of stress incontinence!



If all else fails, you may have to undergo a surgical procedure. 

Depending on your condition, your health care provider may perform these surgical options:

  • Sling surgery. A sling is placed to help keep the urethra closed whenever you cough or sneeze. 
  • Bladder neck suspension. This helps reduce incontinence in women by supporting both the urethra and bladder neck. 

Is it Effective?

Yes. In fact, both procedures are included in the clinical practice guidelines of the American Urological Association. 


Protective Pads 

Designed to absorb leakage of urine, incontinence pads can prevent you from soiling your clothes, sheets, and furniture. They come in different styles—from thin and discreet pantiliners to thicker pads.


Is it Effective?

Yes, at least to the extent of protecting you from sudden leaking of urine. But surveys show that many people are using other products as makeshift pads.

For instance, 25% of women use sanitary pads for urine leakage even though they don’t offer the same level of protection as specially-designed incontinence pads. And around 17% of women use toilet paper and paper towels instead of protective pads.

But let’s face it. These stress incontinence products and remedies have their disadvantages as well.

For example, pads can cause rashes if worn for a long time. Surgery is highly invasive and expensive, while exercises, weight loss, and bladder training can take a long time and a lot of effort.

Even medications may come with a barrage of side effects that make everything more unpleasant.

That’s why we have a bonus remedy for you that just might be the best answer to your stress urinary incontinence woes.




Common Stress Incontinence Natural Remedies

MoxyPatch is a leak prevention solution that acts as a barrier from pesky urine leaks. But unlike a vaginal pessary, it’s worn outside the body—covering the urethra and sitting comfortably inside your inner labia.

You no longer have to deal with invasive solutions, nor should you worry about it being too noticeable, just like those bulky protective pads. WIth MoxyPatch™, you have the freedom to engage in any physical activity without worrying about sudden leaks.


Is it Effective?

We’d like to give you a resounding YES, but why not try it yourself and see the difference?

Get your hands on MoxyPatch™ today and stop leaks in your pants—no appointments, prescriptions, and referrals needed.